Dusty Educational is an environmental education programme focused on transforming solid urban waste management from a problem into a collective resource for creating a better world, through a series of meetings with students and teachers in various schools.

Dusty Educational aims to promote environmental education as a way of life.


Primary and secondary schools in collaboration with teaching staff, head teachers and school staff.


To inform and train the new generation in environmental education, respect for the environment and good practices, through the presentation of the “3R” rule, namely Reduce, Reuse and Recycle, applying the theory to concrete waste management situations.
To inform and train families and all adults in the area in a wide-ranging way.
To create awareness regarding waste, its production, disposal, and the possibility of its being turned into a resource and resulting in considerable energy and economic savings.
To learn how to dispose of waste correctly, increasing the sorting of materials and their correct disposal, supporting schools in the process of separating as many types of recyclable waste as possible.
To provide teachers and managers with the techniques and tools to include environmental education in teaching programmes in a practical and fun way, providing a real interactive concept on waste sorting, thus increasing the percentage of waste sorted throughout the municipality.


I percorsi didattici proposti dal programma Dusty Educational forniscono informazioni, contenuti didattici e spunti di conoscenza (sapere), grazie all’uso di metodi interattivi e attività quali giochi cooperativi e piccole sperimentazioni (saper fare), permettendo così ad ogni studente di attualizzare le competenze acquisite e le esperienze fatte, inserendole nel suo vissuto quotidiano (saper essere).

Gli incontri seguono sempre un doppio filone educativo: uno informativo-didattico in cui si trasmettono le conoscenze, si sfatano i falsi miti sui rifiuti, si propongono le buone prassi e il secondo, quello pratico in cui attraverso l’uso di giochi cooperativi e attività specifiche (ad esempio le sane competizioni mirano alla formazione della coscienza collettiva e del gruppo) i concetti espressi vengono ancorati alle realtà quotidiane individuali. Entrambi i filoni s’intrecciano in ogni fase dell’incontro, esplicitando la teoria delle 3R, le buone pratiche di raccolta differenziata, del riciclo e recupero delle materie prime.


Gli incontri e le attività studiati sull’età e le competenze didattiche degli studenti coinvolti, si differenziano nei contenuti informativi e nelle esperienze pratiche per essere meglio interpretati e compresi dagli studenti stessi. Dusty Educational propone n. 3 incontri con gruppi diversi di durata massima di un’ora ciascuno.

The meetings and activities are designed according to the age and learning skills of the students involved and differ in their information content and practical experiences in order to be better interpreted and understood by the students themselves.

All the meetings are managed by operators who are specialised in environmental education for students and who, in support of the information provided, also provide additional research material.

Dusty Educational consists of three meetings of a maximum of one hour each, structured as follows: one with the group of teachers involved for the presentation; one with the class representatives, chosen among the students, who will then become the "Ambassadors for Recycling"; the last one with the parents' representatives, to raise awareness among the families of the students also.



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